Baylor Lodge visits Bellmead to attempt to take the traveling gavel
Nine Members of Baylor Lodge #1235 attended a stated meeting at Bellmead Lodge #1329 on January 25th, 2022. In attendance were brothers Jason Williams, Jon Spann, Chris Eaton, Dale Sanders, Tommy Lanier, Brent Watts, Ed Muenzler, Chris Kinney, and Brian Church. Great fellowship and food were had as Baylor attempted to secure the traveling gavel by representation of their lodge with the most members present.
Crawford Lodge #585 showed up with ten brothers to take the gavel home with them.
Jon Spann stated that brothers from Baylor Lodge would return to Crawford in March and attempt to take the gavel back. Please come and join us. We had great fellowship at Bellmead lodge and enjoyed the opportunity to see how another lodge operates.